Look to The Future in Tatum, TX

Thriving Business Community

Existing and New Infrastructure Available

Small Town Charm

Great Community, Schools, and Recreation

Tatum ISD

  • #1 School District in Rusk County
  • TEA Certified
  • Strong Extracurricular Activities


Local Lakes and Recreation

Why Tatum?

Tatum is located in Rusk County, and has close proximity to Longview, Tyler, Shreveport, and Nacogdoches. It is a centralized town located, approximately a 18 mile average to Carthage, Henderson, Kilgore, Longview, and Marshall and is only 52 miles from Tyler. Our town has a uniqueness in locale, that it is the crossroad of 4 East Texas Counties: Panola, Rusk, Harrison, and Gregg.  

At a regional scale, Tatum is approximately 160 miles from Fort Worth, located at the far end of the Dallas-Fort Worth metroplex, or about 2.5 hours of driving time. The larger cities of Austin and San Antonio are within 4.5-5.5 hour drive from Tatum.

We're Dedicated to Assisting Legacy and New Businesses

Advanced Manufacturing

A white background with a black arrow pointing up.

A white background with a black arrow pointing up.


A white background with a black arrow pointing up.

Logistics & Warehousing

A white background with a black arrow pointing up.

   All sectors

A dollar sign with two arrows pointing in opposite directions.

2023 County Tax Rate only 0.205068/$100

Fork and knife icon
Fork and knife icon
Fork and knife icon
Fork and knife icon
A black and white silhouette of a triangle on a white background.

Tatum is a Regional Destination

Tatum has grown into more than a bedroom town. We're actively pursuing the best companies to take advantage of our 100's of acres of available land, great community spaces, and thriving regional economy.

Strategically located near major highways and interstates, including Interstate 20 and US Highway 59. This provides easy access to a large customer base and facilitates transportation of goods and services.

Workforce Development

Tatum's regional location makes it ideal for recruiting a highly skilled workforce.

Business Incentives

We have a range of programs for existing and new businesses. With a highly engaged Board of Director's and City Council, contact us today to streamline your site selection.

Regional Partner

Tatum EDC is partner with East Texas Workforce Commission, and other regional organizations to deliver exactly what you need. 

Community Partners

A logo for letourneau university with a blue shield
A logo for kilgore college that says your future starts here
A logo for a college with a horse head and the letter p.

Tatum Economic Development Corporation (TEDCO) is working hard to grow Tatum’s economy. TEDCO is looking to the future, holding on to the past, while expanding, retaining, and attracting new businesses.

Local Businesses